We all know that when learning is fun, students are more engaged and stay on task. Students love spinner games and with these digital spinners, your students will eagerly complete the interactive math activities. This packet is jam-packed with digital spinner math activities that cover essentials skills and outcomes for Kindergarten and first grade. This includes counting, number sense, place value, addition, and subtraction. Best of all, these digital spinners can be used on interactive whiteboards, computers, and tablets such as an iPad. This makes them ideal for use in the classroom or for distance learning.
This is the first of three posts outlining the digital spinner math activities included in the bundle. This post will focus on math activities related to numbers 1-10. You can read about the maths activities for numbers to 20 and numbers to 100 in the following posts:
- Numbers 1-100 Digital Spinner Activities for Numbers to 20
- Numbers 1-100 Digital Spinner Activities for Numbers to 100
Included in the Numbers 1-100 Digital Spinner Activities packet are 61 math activities and 32 digital spinners.
Numbers to 10
- Spin and Color Dots to 5
- Race to the Top 1-5
- Addition to 5 with Cubes
- Subtraction from 5
- Number Bonds of 5
- Ten Frames
- Spin and Color a Ten Frame
- Race to 10
- Race to the Top 1-10
- Spin and Color Tally Marks
- Spin and Color a Number Word
- Number Comparison
- One More One Less
- Spin and Color 1 More
- Spin and Color 1 Less
- Making 10 with Bears
- Making 10 with Counters
- Making 10 with Cubes
- Addition to 10 with Counters
- Making Ten using Ten Frames
- Addition to 10 with Number Line
- Number Bonds of 10
- Number Bonds to 10
- Subtract from 10 with Ten Frames
- Subtract from 10 with Number Line
- Number Words to 10
- Spin a Fact Family
- Doubles to 12
Numbers to 20
- Build a Teen Number
- Numbers 1-10 with Ten Frames
- Race to 20
- Tens and Ones to 20
- Spin and Color Base Ten Blocks
- Number Comparison
- Number Comparison to 20
- Spin and Color 1 More
- Spin and Color 1 Less
- One More and One Less
- Counting On
- Counting Backwards
- Doubles Facts to 20
- Number Bonds of 20
- Number Bonds to 20
- Addition to 20 with a Number Lines
- Subtract from 20 with Ten Frames
- Subtract from 20 with a Number Lines
- Spin a Fact Family
- Number Words 11-20
- Rounding to Nearest 10
Numbers to 100
- Number Words 10-100
- Race to 50
- Counting On
- Counting Backwards
- Rounding to Nearest 10
- Race to 100
- Tens and Ones to 100
- Tens and Ones to 100 v2
- Counting On
- Counting Backwards
- Ten More Ten Less
- 100 Chart Number Grids
To setup the activities, all you need to do is open the selected digital spinner with Google Slides, PowerPoint, or as a video, and provide the selected worksheet. There is no need to print spinners and provide paper clips and pencils or plastic spinners! The activities can be used in classroom math centers or for distance learning. The worksheets make great accountability pages.
Let’s take a closer look at the 1-10 activities included in the Numbers 1-100 Digital Spinner Activities bundle.
Spin and Color Dots to 5
Students spin a numeral between 1 and 5 and color the matching number of dots. This is a great beginner activity for developing subitizing. On the right-hand side of the page students write the numeral beside the matching number of dots. Students get to play a spin and color game and show that they can identify the correct number of dots.
Race to the Top 1-5
This activity combines numeral recognition along with writing numerals. Students spin a number and trace the matching numeral. Which number will win the race and get to the top first?
Addition to 5 with Math Cubes
Your students will love working on beginning addition skills with this activity. Students spin the cube spinner and identify the addends that total 5. For a hands-on activity add math cubes so students can physically count and add to find the total.
Subtract from 5
In this subtraction activity, students spin a number and subtract from 5. A five frame is provided to help students find the answer.
Number Bonds of 5
Introduce students to number bonds using this activity. Students spin a number and write it in one of the number bond circles. What number is missing to complete the number bond? Combine this activity with math cubes or counters to help students complete the number bonds.
Ten Frames
Understanding that numbers are composed of tens and ones is an important foundational concept in maths. It’s a stepping stone to place value understanding and mental calculation. Ten frames help students visually see how numbers work together using benchmark numbers 5 and 10.
In this activity, students spin the 1-10 digital spinner and color the matching number of circles on the ten frame.
Spin and Color a Ten Frame
Instead of coloring the circles on the ten frames, in this activity students spin a number, find and color the matching ten frames. On the right-hand side of the worksheet, students write the matching number for each ten frame. This section is a great way to have students show their understanding when playing the spin and color game.
Race to 10
This activity is great for students that are learning to count to ten. Spin a +1 or +2 and color the matching number of numerals. Students practice counting as they play the game. This activity can be played by multiple students. Who will get to 10 first?
Spin and Color Tally Marks
Tally marks are another great way for students to practice counting while learning to recognize numbers and their relationship to the benchmark numbers 5 and 10. Students spin the 1-10 digital spinner and color the matching number of tally marks. On the right-hand side of the worksheet, students write the matching number beneath the tally marks.
Spin and Color a Number Word
Students need to be able to recognize numerals and number words. This is a great activity to help students master reading number words. Student spin a number and color the matching number word. Like the previous spin and color worksheets, on the right-hand side of the worksheet there is a section to keep students accountable where they write the matching numeral beneath each number word.
Number Comparison
Once students understand quantities, they can start using terms and symbols to represent “greater than”, “less than”, and “equal to.” This activity provides a visual approach using ten frames for students to show the quantity before they compare the two numbers.
One More One Less
In this activity, students explore the concept of 1 more and 1 less with the support of a number line.
Spin and Color 1 More
Using a different approach to the previous worksheet, in this activity students spin a number and color the number + 1 more. On the right hand-side of the worksheet they show their work as they play the game.
Spin and Color 1 Less
Like Spin and Color 1 More, in Spin and Color 1 Less, students spin a number and color the number -1. On the right-hand side of the worksheet, students record their work as they play the game.
Making 10 with Bears
Fluency in “making 10” is an important early math skill in which students decompose numbers. Decomposing and in turn recomposing numbers is the first step for children in understanding and mastering math operations.
Working with colored plastic bears is a great way for students to visually see the combinations of 10. Students spin a combination on the digital spinners, color the bears on their worksheet and complete the addition fact.
Making 10 with Math Counters
Alternatively, students can complete the same activity with math counters.
Making 10 with Math Cubes
Making 10 with colored math cubes is the third way students can work on the skill of “making 10.”
Addition to 10 with Counters
Students can continue working on their addition skills within 10 with this activity. Students spin the double digital spinners and color the matching number of counters. Unlike the “making 10” activities, this activity is not limited to addition facts that equal 10.
Making 10 with Ten Frames
Once students have worked through the “making 10” activities with the visual support of the math manipulatives, they can progress to this “Making 10” activity in which they work on identifying the missing addend to make 10. Students spin a number on the digital spinner and color the matching number of circles on the ten frame. How many more to make 10? The ten frame is there to visually support them in identifying the missing addend.
Addition to 10 with a Number Line
The number line is another visual method that students can use when learning addition and subtraction concepts and before moving on to numeric only addition and subtraction. Students spin the double digital spinners and complete the addition problem with the help of the number line.
Number 10 Bonds
Number bonds is another visual method for splitting or decomposing numbers. In this activity, students spin a number on the digital spinner, write it in one of the number bond circles and find the missing number to complete the number bond. This activity is another great way for working on ways to make 10.
Number Bonds within 10
Number Bonds within 10 will have students work on decomposing various numbers. After spinning the two digital spinners, students will construct a number bond by using the two numbers and finding the missing addend.
Subtract from 10 with Ten Frames
In this subtraction activity, students spin a number and subtract it from 10. Students cross out the matching number of circles on the ten frames to visually show each subtraction fact.
Subtract from 10 with a Number Line
Students spin a number and subtract it from 10. They can use the number line to hop backwards to solve the subtraction fact.
Number Words to 10
With this activity, students not only practice reading number words, they also get to practice writing the number words. A word bank is provided to support students in writing the number words.
Spin a Fact Family
Fact Families are a method for teaching students about how addition and subtraction are related to each other. Like number bonds, the three numbers create addition and subtraction facts. By learning this method, students are able to master their addition and subtraction facts faster.
Students spin the digital spinner and use the three numbers to create the addition and subtraction fact family.
Doubles Facts to 12
Doubles Facts are additions in which a number is added to itself. These math facts help students improve their mental math skills so they can quickly solve other addition facts. Students spin a number on the digital spinner, double it and color the result. On the right-hand side of the worksheet, students record their learning by solving the doubles facts.
Lot’s more math activities are included in the Numbers 1-100 Digital Spinner Math Activities Bundle.
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