Numbers 1-10 Digital Math Spinner Games

Do you love using math spinner games in your classroom to engage students with their learning?  The Numbers 1-10 Digital Math Spinner Games and accompanying activities are a fun and interactive way for students to practice counting and develop their number sense knowledge. The digital nature of the Numbers 1-10 spinners provides a new and innovative way for students to work with counting and numbers. This will excite and motivate them as they complete the games and activities. Best of all, these digital spinners can be used on interactive whiteboards, computers, and tablets such as an iPad. This makes them ideal for use in the classroom or for distance learning.

Numbers 1-10 Digital Spinner Games

Mathematics starts with counting and number sense. Teaching children to count involves not only learning the numbers one to ten but also helping children understand the meaning of numbers and how they work. Like the Math Spinner Games for Numbers 1-10, the Numbers 1-10 Digital Spinner Games will help your students learn to count from 1 to 10 and develop their number sense skills. The games and activities cover the following skills:

  • Recognition of numerals 1-10
  • Number Sequence
  • Subitizing
  • Number Sets
  • Cardinality
  • Writing numerals
  • 5 Frames
  • 10 Frames
  • Tally Marks
  • Number Words
  • Counting On
  • Counting Backwards


Included in this bundle are 16 games and activities:

  • Number 1-5 Subitizing Dots and Spinner
  • Number 1-5 Sets and Spinner
  • Trace a Number 1-5 and Spinner
  • Number Race 1-5 and Spinner
  • Five Frames Game 1 and Spinner
  • Five Frames Game 2 and Spinner
  • Number 1-5 Review and Spinner
  • Trace a Number 1-10 and Spinner
  • Counting Fingers 1-10 and Spinner
  • Numbers 6-10 Subitizing Dots and Spinner
  • Number Words and Spinner
  • Tally Marks and Spinner
  • Ten Frames and Spinner
  • Mixed Review and Spinner
  • Counting On and Spinner
  • Counting Backwards and Spinner

To play the games, all you need to do is open the selected Numbers 1-10 Spinner with PowerPoint and provide the selected activity. There is no need to print spinners and provide paper clips and pencils or plastic spinners! 

The accompanying activities come in color and worksheet versions. The color version can be printed and laminated for use in classroom math centers and the worksheets can be used for recording student work. The worksheets also make it easy to use these activities for distance learning as accountability pages.

Let’s take a closer look at the activities included in the Numbers 1-10 Digital Spinner Games bundle.

Numbers 1-5 Subitizing Dots Game

Subitizing means to be able to instantly see ‘how many’. The ability to be able to recognize numbers in patterns is the foundation for developing strong number sense. The first game in this bundle is a game that focuses on subitizing for the numbers 1-5. 

In this game, a student spins a number on the spinner and covers the matching number of dots on an apple. The game ends when all apples are covered.

Subitizing Dots 1-5 with Digital Spinner Game

Number Sets 1-5 Digital Spinner Game

In the Number Sets game, students spin a number on the spinner and cover the matching set on the game board. This game helps children connect counting to cardinality. This means that they understand that the last number which was counted when counting a set of objects is the total number of items in that group.

Counting Sets with Digital Spinner Game

Trace a Number 1-5 Digital Spinner Game

The Trace a Number activity is a fun way for your students to practice writing the numerals for numbers 1-5. Students spin a number and trace the matching numeral.

Trace and Write 1-5 with Digital Spinner

Number Race 1-5 Digital Spinner Game

For more practice in learning to recognise numerals and counting 1-5, students can play The Spin to Win Number Race game. Students spin a number and race to see which number gets to the tops first.

Race to the Top with Digital Spinners

Two versions of this activity are included with a western girl and a western boy.

Race to the Top with Digital Spinner Games

5 Frames Digital Spinner Game

Five frames used as a scaffold help students to visually see how numbers work together and help build number sense skills. Students will begin to gain a sense of the base ten system, start to decompose numbers, and build a foundation for place value and mental calculations.

In the Spin to Win 5 Frames game, students spin a 5 frame on the spinner and cover the matching numeral.

5 Frames with Digital Spinner Game

5 Frames Digital Spinner Game 2

In this version of the 5 Frames Digital Spinner game, students spin a number on the spinner and cover the matching 5 frame. 

5 Frames with Digital Spinner Game

Numbers 1-5 Review Digital Spinner Game

The Numbers 1-5 Gumball Review game will aid your students in developing subitizing skills. Different representations of numbers 1 to 5 are contained on the gumballs. Students spin a number on the spinner and cover the matching number representation.

Number Review with Digital Spinner Game

Trace a Number 1-10 Digital Spinner Game

Like the Trace a Number 1-5 Digital Spinner Game, the 1-10 Trace a Number game is a fun way for your students to practice writing the numerals for numbers 1-10. Students spin a number and trace the matching numeral.

Trace a Number with Digital Spinner Activity

Counting 1-10 with Fingers Digital Spinner Game

Nearly all children learn and practice counting using their fingers. In the Counting 1-10 Fingers game, students spin a number and cover the matching number of fingers. This is a great game for developing one to one correspondence.

Counting to 10 with Digital Spinner Game

Numbers 6-10 Subitizing Dots Digital Spinner Game

Like the Numbers 6-10 Subitizing Dots Digital Spinner Game, this game focuses on subitizing. Student spins a number on the spinner and cover the matching number of dots on an apple. The game ends when all apples are covered.

Subitizing Dots with Digital Spinner Game

Number Words 1-10 Digital Spinner Game

In the Number Words Digital Spinner Game, students spin a number word and cover the matching numeral.

Number Words with Digital Spinner Game

Tally Marks Digital Spinner Game

Tally marks are another great way for students to practice counting while learning to recognize numbers and their relationship to the benchmark numbers 5 and 10. Students spin a number on the digital spinner and cover the matching number of tally marks.

Tally Marks with Digital Spinner Game

10 Frames Digital Spinner Game

Understanding that numbers are composed of tens and ones is an important foundational concept in maths. It’s a stepping stone to place value understanding and mental calculation. Ten frames help students visually see how numbers work together using benchmark numbers 5 and 10.

In the 10 Frames Digital Spinner Game, students spin a number and cover the matching ten frame.

Ten Frames with Digital Spinner Game

Mixed Review for Numbers 1-10 Digital Spinner Game

The Numbers 1-10 Mixed Review Digital Spinner Game is another activity that will aid in your students developing subitizing skills. Different representations of numbers 1 to 10 are contained on the cookies. Students spin a number on the spinner and cover the matching number representation.

Counting 1-10 with Digital Spinner Game

Counting Forward Digital Spinner Game

In the Counting On Digital Spinner Game students practice counting on from a given number. Students spin a number on the spinner and count on from the matching number on the game board.

Counting On with Digital Spinner Activity

Counting Backwards Digital Spinner Game

In the Counting Backwards Digital Spinner Game, students practice counting backward from a given number. Students spin a number on the spinner and count backward from the matching number on the game board.

Counting Backwards with Digital Spinner Activity

Students will love completing the number and counting activities with the digital interactive spinners. No need to print spinners and provide pencils and paperclips! Students can even complete the activities at home by using a computer or tablet and the worksheets are a great way to keep them accountable.

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Numbers 1-10 Digital Spinner Games

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