Winter Sentence Building Activities

Embrace Winter with these fun hands-on and interactive winter sentence building activities. Learning how to write a complete sentence is an important step in your students becoming independent writers. Sentence building is a great activity for teaching students how to form a sentence and to teach them beginning grammar skills. This Winter Sentence Building resource includes cut and paste scrambled sentence worksheets and sentence building activities for Google Slides™ making the activity suitable for classroom and distance learning.

Winter Sentence Building Activities

One of the first steps in building independent writers is to teach them how to write a complete sentence. Kindergarten and first-grade students don’t have to be introduced to the technical terms associated with sentence structure but they do need daily sentence writing practice so they can learn to identify a complete sentence and gain confidence in writing their own sentences.

Your students will love building and writing these winter scrambled sentences. The scrambled sentences have been written especially for beginning readers with the basic sentence structure reinforcing correct conventions such as capital letters and ending punctuation marks.  Each scrambled sentence includes a picture that provides context and supports the students in building the sentence correctly.

Included are 19 winter scrambled sentence worksheets and 19 interactive sentence building activities for Google Slides™.

Sentence Building Activities for Google Slides™

With the winter scrambled sentences for Google Slides™, students drag and drop the words in the correct order to build the simple sentence. You can assign all slides or pick and choose which slides your students complete. This activity is ideal for digital literacy centers, small group work, and distance learning.

Click play on the video to see a sample of the winter scrambled sentences in action.

Winter Sentence Building Worksheets

The printable cut and paste scrambled sentence worksheets are no-prep and are ideal for morning work, literacy centers, early finishers, and distance learning.

Winter sentence building worksheets

Firstly, students begin by cutting out the words for the scrambled sentence.

Winter Sentence Building Activities
Winter Sentence Building Activities

Students sort the words and paste them in order to create a complete sentence matching the winter picture.

Winter Sentence Building Activities

Finally, students write the complete sentence beneath.

Winter Sentence Building Activities

The winter scrambled sentences cover topics such as snowman, hot cocoa, snowball fights, sledding, ice-skating, and lots more.

Winter Sentence Building Activities
Winter Sentence Building Activities

Click on the link below to get the Winter Sentence Building Activities.

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Winter Scrambled Sentences
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