Sight words, also known as high-frequency words, are the words that are used most often in reading and writing. These words account for up to 75 percent of the words used in children’s printed material. Sight words don’t follow basic phonic principles and, as children are in the early stages of developing their decoding skills, sight words must be learned by sight or memorized. The Sight Word Activity Books include a variety of fun and engaging activities that will help your students master their sight words.

Why is it important to teach sight words?
Teaching sight words not only help a student read more fluently but also helps them develop confidence and reading comprehension. When a student knows their sight words, they do not have to focus on deciphering every word in the text they are reading. By eliminating the need for stopping and deciphering every word, your student will be able to focus on the rest of the text. This will increase their reading comprehension and build their confidence to master reading.
What are the Sight Words Activity Books?
Teaching your students to recognize, read, and write pre-primer sight words is easy with these Sight Word Activity Books. The sight word booklets are designed to follow a predictable format. Once the activities have been introduced to students, they are able to complete them independently. This makes the sight word booklets ideal for literacy centers and distance learning.

There are 40 sight word booklets (one for each word on the pre-primer sight word list):
a, and, away, big, blue, can, come, down, find, for, funny, go, help, here, I, in, is, it, jump, little, look, make, me, my, not, one, play, red, run, said, see, the, three, to, two, up, we, where, yellow, you
Each Sight Word Activity Book contains 8 activities for the focus sight word. Let’s take a closer look at the sight word activities.
Sight Word Read and Write
Students trace the sight word, box it up, and unscramble the letters to spell the sight word.

Sight Word Sentences
Students read and complete the sentences by writing the missing sight word. They can refer to the picture word bank for help in reading the sentences.

Sight Word Word Find
Students find and color the sight word in the word search.

Sight Word Maze
Students find the path through the maze by coloring the sight word.

Sight Word Color By Number
Students color the sight word using the color code.

Sight Word Pyramid Spelling
Students practice spelling the sight word by writing the sight word in a pyramid.

Sight Word Read and Highlight
Students read the sight word paragraph and highlight the focus sight word.

Sight Word Read, Write, and Draw Activity
Students read the sentence, write it, and draw a picture for the sentence.

The Sight word Activity Books are ideal for Kindergarten students and beginning or struggling readers. The Sight Word Activity Books can be used with individual students, in small reading groups, literacy centers, or for distance learning.