Subitizing is the ability to be able to instantly see how many there are in a group without counting. The Subitizing Clip Cards provide a fun hands on activity for children to practice identifying common number patterns for numbers 1 – 12.

Subitizing Clip Cards and Activities for Kindergarten Students.

Children’s number sense development progresses from counting one by one to subitizing. When children are able to subitize they are able to recognise how many in a common number pattern set or group. It is a foundational skill and prepares a student for understanding more advanced numerical concepts such as place value, number facts, and mathematical processes such as addition and subtraction.

The Subitizing Clip Cards provide students with a fun and engaging way to practice identifying common number patterns. The number patterns are represented by ten frames, dice, number dots, dominoes, fingers, tally marks, counting sticks, and base ten blocks. There is a subitizing clip card provided for numbers 1 to 12.

Subitizing Clip Cards for numbers 1-12.

Each subitizing clip card has a focus number in the center of the card. Students identify the number patterns that match the number in center and using clothespins or pegs they clip their choice . There are four correct number patterns for each number.

Subitizing Clip Card for Kindergartren students.

As students progress to higher numbers, the number patterns represented will begin to prepare them for an understanding of teen numbers, place value, and the base ten system.

Subitizing Clip Cards for building Subitizing skills and number sense.

The clip cards come with corresponding cut and paste subitizing math worksheets. This makes the subitizing clip cards an ideal activity to include in your math centers. Students are able to identify the common number patterns and to record their answers.

Subitizing clip cards and worksheets for building number sense and subitizing skills.

As with the subitizing clip cards, the worksheets require students to identify which common number pattern sets belong to the focus number and which don’t.

Subitizing clip cards and worksheets for building number sense and subitizing skills.

To purchase the Subitizing Clip Cards click on the Purchase Now button.

Subitizing Clip Cards


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