Math Spinner Games for Numbers 1-10 Part 2

In Math Spinner Games for Numbers 1-10 Part 1, I talked about the importance of students not only learning to count but also learning the meaning of numbers and how they work. A strong foundation in number sense is at the heart of students being able to do mathematics. It means students are able to identify number relationships in order to solve mathematical problems. The Math Spinner Games for Numbers 1-10 bundle includes 18 games that will aid in developing number sense skills as your students learn to count from 1 to 10.

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The Math Spinner Games for Numbers 1-10 Bundle includes 18 counting math games and activities that can be used for teaching counting 1-10 and developing number sense. These include:

  • Numbers 1-5
  • Number Sets
  • Trace a Number 1-5
  • Number Line Game 1-5
  • Number Race 1-5
  • Five Frames Game 1
  • Five Frames Game 2
  • Gumball Review
  • Trace a Number 1-10
  • Race to the Top 1-10
  • Counting Fingers 1-10
  • Numbers 1-10
  • Ten Frames
  • Tally Marks
  • Number Words
  • Cookie Mixed Review
  • Counting On
  • Counting Backwards

The games can be used for individual students, partner work, or small math groups. Three versions are provided so that you can decide how you want to use the games in your classroom.

In part 2 of this series, an overview of the Counting to 10 Spinner Games will be provided. An overview of the Counting 1-5 Spinner Games is provided in part 1.

Trace a Number Spinner Game

The Trace a Number Spinner activity is a fun way for your students to practice writing the numerals for numbers 1-10. Students spin a number and trace the matching numeral.

Spin to Win Trace a number for numbers 1-10 colored game mat

Both colored and blackline versions are included.

Spin to Win Trace a Number for numbers 1-10 game and worksheet

Race to the Top Spinner Game

In the Race to the Top Spinner game students work on counting to 10 and the order of the numbers. The aim of the game is to get to 10. Students spin the spinner and move up or down until they reach the number 10. The Race to the Top game will help your students work on counting forwards and backward from 1 to 10.

Spin to Win Race to the Top for numbers 1-10 Game

In the two-player version of Race to the Top Spinner Game the students’ race to be the first player to get to the number 10.

Spin to Win Race to the Top for numbers 1-10 Game

Small math groups can also play the Race to the Top spinner game. Included are four game mats along with a standalone spinner. The first student to land on the number 10 wins the game.

Spin to Win Race to the Top for numbers 1-10 Game for math centers.

Counting Fingers Spinner Game

Nearly all children learn and practice counting using their fingers. Finger counting is one of the first steps in children developing one to one correspondence and recognition of the numbers 5 and 10. In the Counting Finger Spinner game, students spin a number and cover the matching number of fingers.

Spin to Win Counting Fingers for numbers 1-10 colored game mat

In the two-player version of this game, students take turns to spin the spinner and cover the matching number of fingers. First player to cover all the paint splats on their game board wins the game.

Spin to Win Counting Fingers for numbers 1-10 colored game mat

Both colored and blackline versions of this game are provided.

Spin to Win Counting Fingers for numbers 1-10 colored and worksheet game mats

Small math groups can also play the Counting Fingers spinner game. Included are four game mats along with a standalone spinner. First student cover all their paint splats wins the game.

Spin to Win Counting Fingers for numbers 1-10 colored game mats

10 Frames Spinner Game

Understanding that numbers are composed of tens and ones is an important foundational concept in maths. It’s a stepping stone to place value understanding and mental calculation. Ten frames help students visually see how numbers work together using benchmark numbers 5 and 10.

In the 10 Frames spinner game, students spin a number and cover the matching ten frame.

Spin to Win 10 Frames for numbers 1-10 colored game mat

In the two-player version of this game, students take turns to spin the spinner and cover the matching ten frame. The first player to cover all the ladybugs on their game board wins the game.

Spin to Win 10 Frames for numbers 1-10 colored game mat

Small math groups can also play the Ten Frames spinner game. Included are four game mats along with a standalone spinner. The first student to cover all their ladybugs wins the game.

Spin to Win 10 Frames for numbers 1-10 colored game mats

Tally Marks Spinner Game

Tally marks are another great way for students to practice counting while learning to recognize numbers and their relationship to the benchmark numbers 5 and 10. Students spin a number on the spinner and cover the matching number of tally marks.

Spin to Win Tally Marks for numbers 1-10 colored math game

In the two-player version of this game, students take turns to spin the spinner and cover the matching number of tally marks. The first player to cover all the coins on their game board wins the game.

Spin to Win Tally Marks for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Both colored and blackline versions of this game are provided.

Spin to Win Tally Marks for numbers 1-10 colored and worksheet math game

Small math groups can also play the Tally Marks spinner game. Included are four game mats along with a standalone spinner. The first student to cover all their coins wins the game.

Spin to Win Tally Marks for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Number Words Spinner Game

Students need to be able to recognize numerals and number words. In the Number Words spinner game, students spin a number word and cover the matching numeral.

Spin to Win Number Words for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Both colored and blackline versions of this game are provided.

Spin to Win Number Words for numbers 1-10 colored and worksheet math game

In the two-player version of this game, students take turns to spin a number word and cover the matching number on the game board. The first player to cover all the bubbles on their game board wins the game.

Spin to Win Number Words for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Both colored and blackline versions of this game are provided.

Spin to Win Number Words for numbers 1-10 colored and worksheet math game

Small math groups can also play the Number Words spinner game. Included are four game mats along with a standalone spinner. The first student to cover all their bubbles wins the game.

Spin to Win Number Words for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Subitizing Mixed Review Spinner Game

The Mixed Review spinner game is another activity that will aid in your students developing subitizing skills. Different representations of numbers 1 to 10 are contained on the cookies. Students spin a number on the spinner and cover the matching number representation.

Spin to Win Subitizing Mixed Review for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Both colored and blackline versions of this game are provided.

Spin to Win Subitizing Mixed Review for numbers 1-10 colored math game

In the two-player version of this game, students take turns to spin a number and cover the matching number representation on the game board. The first player to cover all the cookies on their game board wins the game.

Spin to Win Subitizing Mixed Review for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Both colored and blackline versions of this game are provided.

Spin to Win Subitizing Mixed Review for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Small math groups can also play the Mixed Review spinner game. Included are four game mats along with a standalone spinner. The first student to cover all their cookies wins the game.

Spin to Win Subitizing Mixed Review for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Counting On Spinner Game

In the Counting On spinner game, students practice counting on from a given number by 1s. Students who are able to count on, are able to hold a quantity in their mind and then add to it. This leads to improved addition and mental calculation skills. Students spin a number on the spinner and count on from the matching number on the game board.

Spin to Win Counting On for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Both colored and blackline versions of this game are provided.

Spin to Win Counting On for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Counting Backwards Spinner Game

In the Counting Backwards spinner game, students practice counting backward from a given number by 1s. Students who are able to count backward, are able to hold a quantity in their mind, and then subtract from it. This leads to improved subtraction and mental calculation skills. Students spin a number on the spinner and count backward from the matching number on the game board.

Spin to Win Counting Backwards for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Both colored and blackline versions of this game are provided.

Spin to Win Counting Backwards for numbers 1-10 colored math game

Lot’s more math games are included in the Counting 1-10 Spinner Games Bundle.

Numbers 1-10 Counting and Number Sense Math Games Cover
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