The CVCE Words Sound it Out packet provides children with a fun and engaging activity for sounding out and reading the most common CVCE word families. This is an ideal activity for beginning as well as struggling readers.
Children say the name for the picture and sound out the word. Children dot the correct sound and write the complete word in the letterboxes or on the handwriting lines. This activity can be used in literacy centers, small group work, and distance learning.
Included in the packet are two versions of the CVCE Words Sound it Out worksheets:
- worksheets with letterboxes
- worksheets with handwriting lines
The following pages of CVCE word families are included:
- ace: face, lace, race, pace
- age: cage, page, rage, wage
- ake: rake, lake, cake, wake, bake
- ale: sale, male, bale, tale, gale
- ame: game, name, tame, fame, came
- ane: cane, pane, mane, lane
- ape / ase: cape, tape, case, vase
- ate: date, gate, late, mate, rate
- ave: cave, gave, pave, save, wave
- ice: mice, dice, rice
- ide: hide, ride, tide, wide, side
- ike: bike, hike, like
- ile: file, pile, mile, tile
- ime: dime, lime, mime, time
- ine: dine, line, mine, nine, vine
- ipe: pipe, ripe, wipe
- ire: fire, tire, wire
- ite / ive: bite, kite, dive, five, hive
- obe / ode: lobe, robe, rode, code
- oke / ole: joke, woke, poke, mole, hole
- ome / one: home, dome, bone, cone, zone
- ose: hose, nose, pose, rose
- ote: note, tote, vote
- ube / une / uge: cube, tube, dune, tune, huge
- ule / ume / ute: mule, fume, mute, cute