CVC Words Box It Up


Teach your students to read and write CVC words with these fun and engaging CVC Words Box It Up no prep worksheets. This is an ideal activity for beginning as well as struggling readers. Students read CVC words and write the word in letter boxes beneath the matching picture. The worksheets are divided into CVC word families, short vowels, and mixed CVC words. This activity can be used in literacy centers, small group work, early finishers, and distance learning.

The packet includes 45 CVC Word Box it Up worksheets.


Teach your students to read and spell CVC words with these fun and engaging CVC Words Box It Up no prep worksheets. This is an ideal activity for beginning as well as struggling readers. Students read CVC words and write the word in letter boxes beneath the matching picture. The worksheets are divided into CVC word families, short vowels, and mixed CVC words. This activity can be used in literacy centers, small group work, early finishers, and distance learning.
The following CVC Word worksheets are included in the CVC Words Box It Up packet:
CVC Word Families
  • ab: cab, dab, jab, gab, lab, tab, crab, grab
  • ad: dad, bad, sad, lad, mad, pad, glad, Brad
  • ag: nag, wag, sag, bag, tag, rag, gag, flag
  • am: yam, dam, ram, ham, jam, Pam, Sam, swam
  • an: tan, ban, ran, fan, pan, van, man, can
  • ap: tap, sap, cap, nap, lap, gap, map, clap
  • at: fat, rat, sat, cat, hat, pat, mat, bat
  • ed: wed, red, led, bed, fed, Ted, shed, sled
  • en: den, hen, men, yen, ten, pen, Ben, wren
  • et: met, set, pet, net, get, jet, wet, vet
  • ig: jig, pig, fig, big, dig, rig, wig, twig
  • in: bin, fin, win, pin, tin, kin, chin, grin
  • ip: zip, dip, tip, lip, hip, rip, sip, flip
  • it: hit, bit, sit, fit, kit, pit, slit, knit
  • og: log, jog, dog, cog, bog, hog, fog, frog
  • op: top, pop, hop, mop, cop, top, stop, chop
  • ot: jot, cot, hot, rot, dot, pot, shot, knot
  • ub / ut: cub, rub, sub, tub, hub, nut, hut, cut
  • ug: jug, hug, tug, bug, mug, dug, rug, snug
  • un: nun, bun, gun, run, sun, pun, fun, spun
CVC Words (Short Vowels)
  • Short a: map, jam, rag, fan, sad, can, rat, nap
  • Short a: pad, cat, ran, cab, van, wag, ham, wax
  • Short a: bag, lab, cap, hat, ram, ban, pat, bad
  • Short e: jet, ten, vet, hen, web, bed. hem, peg
  • Short e: red, leg, net, led, wet, men, set, pen
  • Short e: pet, fed, hen, web, beg, get, wed, den
  • Short i: him, rib, pin, hid, tin, wig, hit, lip
  • Short i: fin, tip, bib, dip, six, rim, dim, pig
  • Short i: kit, hid, rip, fix, fig, zip, mix, pin
  • Short o: cop, dot, fox, pod, dog, rob, pot, mom
  • Short o: job, mop, nod, pop, hot, fog, box, hog
  • Short o: pod, log, rot, bob, hop, pot, sob, rod
  • Short u: nun, bus, tub, pup, mud, hut, run, mug
  • Short u: nut, sun, tux, sub, tug, yum, jug, cup
  • Short u: dug, run, sum, rub, bus, cub, fun, gum
Mixed CVC Words
  • Set 1: den, fix, cop, met, cut, bat, dip, van
  • Set 2: hog, bud, tag, hen, tux, lap, ten, win
  • Set 3: cob, tug, sun, men, fin, map, fox, mix
  • Set 4: sum, box, dug, pot, rip, wet, cat, bib
  • Set 5: jam, log, pup, bad, rob, six, bed, tab
  • Set 6: hit, top, mat, bug, mud, ram, big, wax
  • Set 7: tub, fix, hem, cut, job, rib, sad, rot
  • Set 8: lid, men, zip, mop, cub, gap, hot, hug
  • Set 9: bat, bus, box, dip, net, wed, fun, jam
  • Set 10: gum, dot, hen, pig, six, get, rag, jug